Now that we are in the thick of hunting season and trapping season is literally hours away, I thought I'd turn my attention in a slightly different direction. This blog is directed towards the primary population, to those that don't harvest from the wilds, but also do not advocate for it either. I hope a good number of them will read this and take something away.
I've noticed, as I do every year, a good number of posts about hearing gunfire from the average everyday citizens. For the most part this turns in to a bickering session between outdoorsman and animal rights activists. Usually it boils down to a screaming match as the worst of each side begin hurling insults at each other. This year however, I've noticed a change on both sides.... for the most part. Each side has declared their views and stated supporting facts, without either side taking the low road.
So for those of you who care to read these words, I hope that it may broaden your understanding of what it means to hunt or trap.
The ability to harvest an animal and make use of it for our families and friends is a privilege, not a right. We have that privilege for several reasons, but mostly for two reasons. Firstly, because the majority of sportsman do not flaunt what they do in front of the general public. This is why society as a whole still allows us to do it. Secondly, because there are departments like Mass Wildlife who study the environment and impose limits when necessary based on a multitude of data.
For those of you who do not know, our bag, season, and tag limits are actually based on field research. Field biologists have hundreds if not thousands of cameras and other data collecting devices throughout the state. They study the number of animals per certain area and have also calculated the number of animals any given area can actually support through it's worst season: winter. Part of the reason why hunting and trapping seasons are in the fall is due to this.
The idea is that when an animals are harvested it allows the remaining population to have enough resources to make it through the winter. This basically means that hunters and trappers are actually doing something humane, contrary to some beliefs. Which would you prefer: slow starvation or a quick death? Some would argue that we should be feeding these animals but that also presents other issues.
As we've seen several times, some animals can only eat certain things at certain times of the year. Last year there was a story about someone in Vermont killing 11 deer by leaving corn out because they felt bad for them and the deer ate it, but couldn't digest it. In addition to that, you have the cost. Feeding wildlife would cost the government thousands of dollars every year. They actually make money on hunting through licensure, tags, and firearms taxation. All of that money goes back into conserving wildlife for future generations.
Also, if you have a surplus in prey populations, predator populations rise in the following years because they have the resources to sustain larger populations. I can't count how many times I've seen someone complain all fall about hearing gun shots and how cruel hunting is. Then the following spring they start complaining that coyotes are running through their yard and Animal Control won't do anything about it.
This plays only a small role in our privilege. The biggest part is how we treat our non sportsman neighbors. Most could care less about what we do or how we do it. Until that day we do something that directly affects them.
I've seen guys drag a gutted deer through someone's unposted backyard. The kids were out on the swing set and freaked. Legal? Yes. Ethical? That's a very hard NO. There is absolutely no reason to parade your harvest in public, other than leaving the "something visible during transport" law.
Ask permission. Notify people who give you permission when you're out there. Wrap your harvest in a tarp before coming into an open area. Don't leave animal remains in someone's yard, and utilize as much of the animal as possible. But mostly... don't get into a fight on social media with someone because they don't believe the way you do. All you do is make the rest of us look bad and turn those people who would normally vote with us, turn the other way.
I hope this helps to help people on all sides understand this lifestyle. I know as this gets shared around, that some will support and some will condemn. Your views are your own, as these are mine. I will treat you with respect, all I ask is that you treat me the same.